Yeadon's analysis is spot on. These are Luciferians/Satanists who have done this.

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Is it hyperbole? To some extent, yes. There has been talk of reducing the population for hundreds of years and the world population is higher than ever and still growing. Is there cause for concern? Yes, the quackcine campaign has been far stronger than in the past with no sign of the authorities acknowledging the harm and excess death. The main questions are will excess deaths plateau or increase and will people refuse further doses of quackcine? There is evidence of the latter.

If they are to reach a goal of a few billion less people, how will they do it and in what timeframe and at what cost to sustaining society? Is society as we know it compatible with such goal? They first have to reduce population growth to zero, that may be closer with recent reports on fertility, but still a ways off.

Or is what we are seeing the last gasps of a dying approach to human health?

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